No, but I'm pretty darn close. Liberals, you can call off the Jehovah's Witness-like brigade to my front door. I will ultimately do the right thing. However, I watched the Democratic Presidential Debate last week (thanks youtube.com) and one common theme reigned supreme and it wasn't liberal-whacko-baby-killing-pot-smoking-national-security-jeopardizing-tax-raising-lack of commonsense-alism, it was passion. When Barack Obama speaks, there is passion. The same goes for Senator Rodham-Tripp-Lewinski-Clinton.
The more and more I look at it, the closer and closer I get to being a democrat. If the democrats would relax thier positions on Roe v. Wade, Stem cell research, gay marriage and if their media would quit shoving their agenda's down my throat I would strongly consider moving parties. Here is a list of candidates and my impressions:
Joe Biden - Certainly more passionate than any Republican candidate.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Might make me want to move to Fiji but I would hear her out.
Chris Dodd - Passionate but scary
John Edwards - If he would back down on being so darn liberal he might be a good option.
Al Gore - Show us you know about more than the environment... which you still don't know much about.
Mike Gravel - It would be entertaining... 4 years of an old guy getting angry and making us giggle.
Dennis Kucinich - What costs are associated with moving to Fiji?
Barack Obama - A little extreme but I would hear him out.
Bill Richardson - By FAR my favorite candidate in the entire election, republican or democrat. Our country would be safer and much better off with Richardson at the helm.
Sam Brownback - Nice views, gutless
Jim Gilmore - Who are you Jim Gilmore?
Newt Gingrich - If you don't have a problem electing a guy who has a checkered past then I don't either.
Rudy Giuliani - If street gangs and sewer systems were the major problem with our country, then Rudy would be the best man for the job. Unfortunately, those are not the problems. Every day live human beings are aborted and Giuliani has the gall to say that social issues are insignificant.
Chuck Hagel - I am from Nebraska, he is from Nebraska. I have guts, he is gutless.
Mike Huckabee/Duncan Hunter/Tommy Thompson - Not enough information to make a judgement
John McCain - laughable. More liberal than most of the Democrats.
Ron Paul - He would make us laugh a lot. Scary extremist.
Mitt Romney - Call me whatever you want to call me but I would never consider voting for a Mormon. It is a cult that I do not want any part of.
Tom Tancredo - Doesn't stand a chance, more guts than most.
Fred Thompson - If he stood a chance he would be my favorite
If there was a republican candidate that would just stand up and try to relate to the American people and show people their passion and strong stances on social issues, THEY WOULD WIN FOR SURE! Nobody is doing that and it is frustrating. The American people will be passionate right along with you. Look at the backs of mini-vans in this country and you will see American flags. This is what people want. They don't want a wealthy businessman. They want an honest man that stands by his word - a patriot for the American people. Vote for me in 2020 when I am old enough to run!
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